IOS APP 2.4.2 released!
Purplepass Pro app version 2.4.2 has been released with new updates and improvements to easily turn your iPhone or iPad into a professional ticket scanner.

What's New
Event organizers, promoters, and venues – Turn your iOS devices into your new mobile box office power house. Scan tickets, look up orders, check in guests, sell at the door via cash, credit, or even COMP orders on the fly.
What we added to the app:
Support for asking check out questions
Mark an order as "Picked Up" to replace tickets
Ability to Issue pre-printed tickets with scan-in features
"Open Cash Drawer" button for cash drops
Multiple Sound Options for Ticket Scanners

Browse Guest List and Will Call
Purchase the newest version Purplepass Pro 2.4.2 at the App Store for your next event!