Hosting Your Startup's First Event? Here's How to Get Results

If you are the head of a startup or in charge of event planning for your new company, there is no shame in seeking guidance for your events. In particular, your company’s first-ever event. 

This is your opportunity to connect with your target audience in a truly indelible manner that leads to business success in the years to come.

Whether you are planning a community event, an announcement, your company’s opening day or something else, it is in your interest to pay attention to what other successful event planners are doing.


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The manner in which you introduce your brand to the community (or a broader audience) at the initial event goes a long way in determining whether the event will make the intended impact.

After all, first impressions are of the utmost importance.

Make a good impression on your target audience with a carefully planned initial event and it will be that much easier to win their favor as well as their dollars in the months and years ahead.

employees in the workplace


Tip #1: Highlight Your Company’s Value Offering

Everyone who attends your event should be able to quickly and easily identify what your company does. This identification should occur in a reasonable amount of time.

In other words, if it takes the typical event attendee more than a couple minutes to figure out what your company does, the event will not reach its full potential.

The manner in which this value offering is communicated to event attendees is of the utmost importance.

Ideally, the value offering will be presented as a simple concept so people understand exactly what your business is all about without having to think for more than a couple seconds.


Tip #2: Use Marketing Materials at Your Event

Marketing materials from banners to signs, merchandise, cards, posters and brochures should be used throughout the facility at which your event is held.

The prudent use of marketing materials ensures those who attend your event will truly understand your company’s services and/or products.

Furthermore, it is prudent to provide attendees with brochures and other small marketing materials that they can bring back to work, home, their hotel room or elsewhere with ease.

hand to hand flyer distribution

Even something such as a branded pen or a company sticker will prove functional while simultaneously advertising your company.


Tip #3: Hold a Drawing

Everyone loves drawings, raffles, prizes and other games of chance. Hold a drawing for a coveted prize at your first event and you will generate that much more interest in your company.

Though exchanging guest information will be necessary for such a drawing, it is well worth the minimal effort.

Ideally, you will use the information you collect to reach out to attendees after the event to further promote and sell your product/service.


Tip #4: Understand Your Target Demographic

Invest the time necessary to study your target demographic before planning the event. Once you have a comprehensive understanding of your target audience, it will be that much easier to tailor the event content to those specific individuals or groups.

Ideally, you will use your company events as a platform to demonstrate how your startup provides specific solutions to customers’ unique problems, pain points and other needs.


Reports for your registration

Purplepass offers a variety of custom reports and real-time
alerts for your event. Use reports to understand your guests,
effective marketing, demographics, etc.

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Try to explain how you will solve such customer problems in a clear and cogent manner. Ideally, you will be able to present your value offering in as few steps as possible.


Tip #5: Be Memorable

It is imperative that your startup’s first event makes a lasting impression.

If this event is not indelible in the minds of attendees, they will quickly forget about the event and your company and its offerings.

Do whatever it takes to make the event memorable.

four employees talking to each other for a business

A truly memorable event will forge lasting connections with guests, making them that much more likely to pay for your product/service across posterity as loyal customers.

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